

Nonno Andrea, biodiverse farm

Phi Hotel Astoria is proud to offer a special tasting experience that will take you on a culinary journey through extraordinary flavors.


Nonno Andrea is an organic and biodiverse farm with a focus on sustainability. An oasis of wellness and tranquility surrounded by nature where you can buy our fresh and processed products, enjoy botanical cocktails and sweet and savory delicacies reminiscent of grandma's old kitchen, but aiming for innovation.


Grandpa Andrea offers a wide range of tasting experiences so you can enjoy excellent products in a picturesque setting: 

  • Agrispuntino Foglia, sweet and savory

  • Agrispuntino Forest, sweet and savory 

  • Lunch or dinner Sap

  • Lunch or dinner Field 

  • Aperitif or Apericena (vegetable garden, meadow, bark, moss).

Reservations can be made through our front desk.

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